Achieving the launch of the world's first Ras-targeted nucleic acid medicine

Achieving the launch of the world's first Ras-targeted nucleic acid medicine

e-NA Biotec Inc. is a drug discovery bio-venture company originating from Gifu University. Based on the research results of professors both, Dr. Kitade and Dr. Akao at Gifu University for many years, we aims to bring microRNA medicine (nucleic acid medicine) to the market and patient.

Our company was established on January 11, 2018 under program for creating start-ups from advanced research and technology (START) supported by the National Institute of Science and Technology Agency (JST) in japan.

In the field of nucleic acid medicine, where exponential design exists, we are continuing research and development of the world's first Ras-targeted microRNA medicine using highly chemically modified microRNAs discovered by utilizing our know-how.

